Current VoSI Focus List

Please note all ratings and data are courtesy of HGS Investor Software, LLC.
Holding tight after prior strong action: BABA, MOMO, NVDA.
Holding at or along the 10-day moving average: AMWD, BRCM, AYI, BSX, EBIX, ELLI, FN, JBT, STSK, TWLO, UBNT, VEEV.
Holding at or along the 20-day moving average: FB, GIMO, ISRG, UFPI
Holding at or along the 50-day moving average: VUZI [As we noted in prior reports, this stock may have run its course thus could have been sold on the breakout for these reasons: a) since breakouts often do not work in this environment especially when it comes to thinner names, b) we have advised on taking profits when you have them in context with the chart; VUZI was up 10.91% on its breakout, a great one-day gain, c) its strongest product produces eyewear for the Pokemon Go augmented reality game, not the AR technology itself, which limits its updside.]
Recent pocket pivots: EDU, GRUB, ULTA
Recent breakouts: EW
Silver ETF SLV closed at its 50-day moving average and gold ETF GLD closed at its 20-day moving average on Friday. Given the state of quantitative easing, economic and political headwinds, and a growing loss of confidence in central banks, the uptrend that began in these precious metals in December of last year appears intact. Since both tend to trade in a wide-banding manner, buying on weakness within the uptrend is a viable strategy.
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