Major averages fell Friday on higher volume. Volumes were exaggerated due to options expiration triple witching. The NASDAQ held its Thursday range breakout while the S&P 500 held above its 50-day moving average. The Russell 2000 held up the stongest on Friday as it also remains above a Thursday range breakout point. Futures are sharply higher this morning, fueled by the hope that a deal for debt-burdened Greece may soon be reached. European bourses are up 1% to almost 3% at the time of this writing.

While sideways markets have been prevalent over the last number of months, a number of leading stocks continue to provide profitable buy points to our members such as:

+49.1% gain in SKX, members notified 4/22 at 74.8, current price: 111.58
+57.8% gain in AMBA, members notified 5/14 at 75.63, current price: 119.35
+25.1% gain in SUPN, members notified 5/21 at 13.26, current price: 16.59
+41.2% gain in KYTH, members notified 6/2 at 53.1, current price: 75

As we have said, the key over the last couple of years has been to take profits when you have them in context with the overall chart and general market. Some of the best performers have traded higher in clean fashion thus sell stops were less likely hit even for those members who sell into strength. To those members with their trading account victories despite the challenging QE-driven market: Well done.

AMBA note - we sent out an email to members on Friday about how to handle this stock.
SUPN note - we have discussed in the recent webinar how to handle this one if one still had shares in it on or after 6/16.
KYTH note - this one was bought out so should be sold.

As members are aware, two more stocks became actionable on Friday.