The current signal on the VIX Volatility Model (VVM) is up +11.5% in just a few days at the time of this writing using volatility ETF SVXY (see date/time stamp to this email). Should the market trend higher, so should the model's gains on this current buy signal. Yes, the model is volatile, thus I have recently put in place additional significant fail-safe rules into the model that are discussed below which dramatically improve the model's profit/loss. Extensive backtests and actual money tested real-time, under fire is proving out. That said, always remember past performance is no guarantee of future results. 

Some examples of the fail-safes in action (see VIX Volatility Model (VVM) reports for original signals here

Buy signal on 8/27/15 = Instead of a loss of -10.2%, you would have been stopped out at a loss of -1.5%.

Sell signal on 8/31/15 = You would have closed out the trade on 9/1/15 for a two day gain of just over 20% using VXX, the 1x ETF. As I remarked in a previous email update to members, taking at least partial profits when you have such huge profits in such a short time is wise.

Sell signal on 9/4/15 = Instead of a loss of -5.3%, you would have been stopped out at a loss of -3.6%.

Similar improvements apply to the other signals. Since the signals can be fairly frequent, profits in backtests over just a few weeks have been substantial, even in a largely trendless year such as this one. The key is in taking advantage of the volatile moves in volatility-based ETFs such as SVXY, VIXY, XIV, and UVXY. The fail-safes keep losses to a minimum while profitable signals are often far greater. 

The most recent buy signal on 10/9/15 went to cash on the same day as its sell stop was hit for a small -1.5% loss. But with the new fail-safe rules in place which sometimes allow for buying back a position after a small (typically around 1% or less) loss, you would have bought back the position the same day. Price bought: 29.15. Current price: 32.56. Gain: +11.5%.

After the model has more good signals under its belt, it will go live. Stay tuned. Until then, we will update members using the beta version with real-time emails as the signals come.