Dr. K's Crypto-Corner
by Dr. Chris Kacher
Riding the Revolutionary Rocket with Cryptotechnologies... Entirely Evolutionary™
Tokenization brings secondary market liquidity into traditionally illiquid spaces. It also reduces or eliminates many front and back end costs while increasing efficiencies.
Nevertheless, two of the coins that have made massive moves since bitcoin hit a major low on December 15, 2018 are Enjin (ENJ) and Ravencoin (RVN). Both coins were recommended in time-stamped reports here on VSI. Theta (THETA) was a third coin mentioned in a prior report.
Coins that are busy tokenizing various areas are as follows:
Enjin (ENJ) - digital gaming items - open source creation and trading across many gaming platforms
Ravencoin (RVN) - various financial instruments including stocks
Theta (THETA) - bandwidth (think decentralized youtube)
Hansecoin* (VPAT) + Smartlands (SLT) - real estate, manufacturing: plant equipment
Golem (GNT) - processing power
Storj (STORJ) + Filecoin (FIL) - distributed file storage
A regulatory framework is being constructed thus will help launch this potentially multi-trillion dollar space into the stratosphere. Scalability is also an issue but various second layer technologies are being built on top gun protocols including bitcoin and ethereum. Remember, blockchain is about where the internet was in 1995. The technology is still embryonic.
(͡:B ͜ʖ ͡:B)
*I have a participation in Hansecoin.