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Buyable Gap Up - NVDA

NVDA is looking to gap up above its $1000 mark. At the open, should it remain above its $1000, this is a buy signal. Keep a close eye for any reversals below the $1000 mark on high volume. You could use an intraday chart such as the 6/20. Depending on your risk tolerance, you may set your stop at 1-3% below the $1000 mark. Expect volatility due to some bears trying to paint the tape so should it hit your sell stop then move back above the $1000 mark on volume, consider buying your position back. Depending on your loss and your risk tolerance, you may want to only do this once as you don't want to get nickelled and dimed which can get you "quartered".

  • Earnings Per Share: $6.12 adjusted vs. $5.59 adjusted, per LSEG consensus estimates.
  • Revenue: $26.04 billion vs. $24.65 billion expected by LSEG

Nvidia said it expected sales of $28 billion in the current quarter. Wall Street was anticipating earnings per share of $5.95 on sales of $26.61 billion, according to LSEG. 

Even as the company reports a tripling or more of its business, CEO Huang said that the company’s next-generation AI GPU, called Blackwell, would lead to more growth.

“We will see a lot of Blackwell revenue this year,” the CEO said on a call with analysts, adding the new chip would be in data centers by the fourth quarter.

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