Stock patterns must always complete. If price leading stocks such as ACIA or TWLO get hit hard after a huge run-up, they become like beach balls being held underwater. When their price/volume action quiets after a big selloff, they soon spring to life When the weight of the market comes off.
For egs, our members received recent emails on ACIA and WB. Anyone who bought them over the last couple of days are enjoying today's nice gains. But that is just the ice cube on the iceberg. In a strong market, a number of viable names make it through our filters onto our Focus List at (note, there is a time delay for non-members).
The market has a natural ebb and flow that stocks follow. Our Focus List acts as a barometer to the health of the stock market.
When the number of stocks on the list increase, it shows internal strength in the stock market. Likewise, when the number of stocks on the list shrink, it shows stock market conditions are weakening.
Feel free to monitor our time-stamped emails to get a sense of how we have guided our members to profit over various market environments. And if you have any questions, please contact us.