FAQs Frequently Asked Questions
We would like to clear up what we see as some misperceptions some VoSI members have with respect to Pocket Pivot Review and Buyable Gap Up reports. The first is that we do not necessarily take a position ourselves in every stock we discuss in these reports - do not assume that this is the case. We both manage our own personal accounts, as well as manage money for accredited individuals which includes our retirement funds and which we manage jointly. Because of definite differences in style, we do not always buy and sell stocks in the same manner, or hold stocks for the same period. Trying to figure out what we are doing with a stock will not help you, it will only serve to confuse you, and disclosing our trades and positions in real-time is not within the scope of this website as it is a violation of our fiduciary duties.
Pocket Pivot Review is intended to identify stocks that are showing or may be about to show a pocket pivot buy point. When we issue a Pocket Pivot Review report, we may delineate the reference points, including price levels and/or moving averages that we would consider using as guides for downside stops. We will not issue "sell" recommendations when a stock discussed in a particular Pocket Pivot Review email violates the sell levels we have already indicated in the original email. Please pay attention to the discussion in each PPR email and the various levels that can be used for a stop if we provide such levels. Once you have decided on taking a position, decide which reference level you will use for your selling guide per our discussion or per sell rules we have discussed in the FAQs. Please do not email us when such a stop has been triggered asking us whether we think a stock will bounce and whether you should give it more time - we do not have any crystal balls and cannot predict the future in the stock market. We simply let our rules and methods guide us in real-time.
Finally, it is well beyond the scope of this website to provide individual stock and portfolio advice. We cannot tell you how much of a stock to buy and exactly where. Once an email is sent out, you must determine whether it is still within buying range, based on the definition of the buy point as we describe it in each report. and take a position based on your own psychology, risk-orientation, and position sizing. Your stops should be set according to the general levels we describe in each report. We will not tell you when to sell a specific stock. Members who constantly email us with their own running stock commentary, questions about stocks we don't discuss, or questions regarding how much of a stock they should buy when we have no idea of their risk-orientation, portfolio size, or what they consider a "full" position are taking up our time which we prefer to use to help answer questions of an educational or explanatory nature.
Yes, we can teach you to fish, or we can hand you a fish, and we strive to do both with VoSI. But regardless of how the fish is obtained, you must still strive to understand on your own how to "fry it up." If you are not willing to put in the time and effort to learn how to handle stocks, then we highly recommend that you stick to ETFs and use the Market Direction Model to manage your portfolio. Using the Market Direction Model, which does in fact give specific buy, sell, and neutral signals, you can also "dial up" or "dial down" the volatility and risk in your own portfolio depending on whether you select a 1-times, 2-times, or 3-times leveraged ETFs, thus providing a more easily measured way to approach the market that can be very effective when a valid trend is in place.
First published: | 19 Oct 2010 |
Last updated: | 27 Aug 2012 |